Unlock Your Inner Compass

Life throws curveballs. Even the most anticipated events rarely unfold exactly as planned. The key? Not predicting the future, but understanding how I react in the present. That's where self-awareness comes in.

What is Self Awareness? 

For me, it's about being present with my mind, body, and soul, and using that awareness to navigate life's situations. It's about understanding whether my reactions are knee-jerk habits, mental conditioning, or a true reflection of my inner desires.

This internal compass, crucial for self-awareness, wasn't exactly built-in. School and society often focus on external expectations – how to behave, what to achieve. This conditioning can lead us down paths that aren't truly our own. But with self-awareness, we can break free.

Real Life Example:

Take, for instance, a recent conversation with my husband. He questioned the time I spend writing and making videos, suggesting it wasn't "productive" because it didn't bring in immediate income. The old me would've crumbled, packing away my passion like a forgotten toy. But the new, self-aware me, did something different.

I sought refuge in nature, a place that grounds me. There, in that quiet space, I listened to my heart. My intuition whispered to keep going, to follow my gift of writing, teaching, and helping others. Why be afraid of the "what-ifs" whispered by my own mind, or worse, someone else's? Fear could wait, my journey wouldn't.

Here's the magic of self-awareness:

  1. Identifying patterns: I recognized this conversation as a recurring theme, a trigger that never served me well.
  2. Shifting perspective: I recognized it wasn't about my actions, but about my husband’s underlying fears or expectations.

I came up with the solution! Communication! Acknowledge these fears, plan for potential bumps in the road, and then move forward, unburdened by the "what-ifs."

Every day brings a fresh set of thoughts and actions. But my commitment to myself remains constant. I'm grateful for listening to my intuition and finding such a quick resolution. This journey of self-awareness is an ongoing adventure, and I'm thrilled to be on it!

5 Activities to Boost Self-Awareness

Let's face it, meditation isn't for everyone. But self-awareness? That's a superpower we all need. It's about understanding your mind, body, and spirit, and how they work together. The good news? You don't have to sit still to develop it. Here are 5 powerful activities that can get you started:

1. Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Because They Probably Aren't!)

Put on your favorite music, crank it up, and let loose! Solo dance is a fantastic way to connect with your body and emotions. Don't worry about fancy moves, just feel the rhythm and let it take you over. You'll be surprised how good it feels to move freely and express yourself. Bonus points if you can find a spot in nature – the fresh air and sunshine add a whole new layer to the experience.

2. Become a Plant Whisperer

There's something incredibly grounding about nurturing life. Start a garden, big or small – a windowsill herb garden or a bursting vegetable patch. Feel the soil between your fingers, plant the seeds with care, and watch them sprout. The act of caring for something else fosters a sense of purpose and connection. Plus, homegrown food is the best kind!

3. Give Yourself a High Five (Literally!)

We often forget the power of self-love. The next time you catch your reflection in the morning, take a moment to acknowledge yourself. Flash a smile, blow a kiss, or even give yourself a hug. Tell yourself something positive – you're strong, you're capable, you're awesome! This simple act of self-appreciation sets a positive tone for the whole day.

4. Unleash Your Inner Picasso

Feeling creative? Put those hands to work! Painting, drawing, sculpting, playing music – the possibilities are endless. Expressing yourself creatively is a fantastic way to tap into your inner wellspring and explore emotions you might not even realize you have. Plus, it's a fun way to de-stress and lose yourself in the moment.

5. Cook Up a Storm

Food is more than just sustenance – it's a way to nourish your body and soul. Skip the pre-made meals and head to the market. Pick out fresh ingredients and put your love into creating a delicious meal. Focus on the process – chopping vegetables, simmering sauces, the anticipation of a delicious meal. It's a mindfulness practice in disguise, quieting your mind while nourishing your body.

So ditch the idea that self-awareness requires hours of meditation. Try these activities and see how they make you feel. The more in tune you are with your body, mind, and spirit, the better equipped you are to handle whatever life throws your way. 

Now get out there and explore!


What does flirting with yourself feel like afterwards? (I hope that you have done it yet. If not, do it right now and let me know.)



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